William Reardon, a steel magnate, dies and leaves a strange will. When his spineless and dandified heir and son returns home from living in Paris, he finds "Tons' Walker, a strong and burly steel worker running the company, per his late-father's will request. He also finds that his father's will specifies the Junior will change his name to Bill Hall and work in the family steel mill for a year under the fake name. Walker's job is to make a man out of the son. The son is not overjoyed by this prospect. Neither is Walker.
'Tons' Walker
Susan Bailey
Bill Reardon Jr., aka Bill Hall
Elaine Witworth
Eddie 'Porky' Plunkett
William 'Bill' Reardon Sr.
Steve, Mill Foreman
Mrs. Witworth
Jarvis, the Butler
Smalley, the Lawyer