Prince Charming was supposed to live long and happily with Snow White after kissing her back to life. However the jealous 'good' fairy decides that she and the prince were meant to be, only the start of a whole series of perversions of various fairy tale characters' traditional good nature.
Blanche Neige / La Belle au Bois Dormant / Cendrillon (voice)
La Bonne Fée (voice)
Les Sept Nains / Le Grand Veneur / Chanson des Sept Nains (voice)
Le Prince Charmant (voice)
Les Sept Nains (voice)
Le Narrateur (voice)
L'Ogre (voice)
La Bête (voice)
La Belle (voice)
Voix additionnelles (voice)
Voix additionnelles (voice)
Voix additionnelles (voice)